However, whom is too blame for the two lovers deaths? Everyone in the story seemed to have played their part with the two’s demise but who were the main culprits? It could be a multitude of people, for example: Lord Capulet, Friar Lawrence, and even Romeo himself.…
Who is to blame for the star-crossed lovers’ deaths? Why did these two lovers die? Who is to blame? What mistakes were made? In this tragic story Romeo and Juliet fall in love, but are of the two royal families in lovely Verona, the Capulets and the Montagues.…
The Capulet’s and the Montague’s are the ones to be blamed for Romeo and Juliet’s death. Prologue; “From forth the fatal lion’s those two foes, a pair of star crossed lovers take their life. Do with their death bury their parents’ strife.” Romeo should have been charged for the death of Tybalt because he killed Tybalt in a fight about love. When Tybalt became angry he ran back onto the scene, Romeo and Tybalt draw their swords and begin to fight and Tybalt is killed by Romeo.…
The question some people ask about William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet is, who is to blame? I think the reasons to blame is love enough to kill them, families that try to tear them apart, and fate that doesn’t help the star-crossed lovers. These are the reasons that i think are to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet. Reason one is a love that would kill them.…
Blame the idea that one is not at fault for an event that takes place. People resort to blame to because they do not want to be at fault for something. Blame is a factor in Romeo and Juliet because lots of characters are at fault but do not own up to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The feud between the households and Friar Laurence are at fault for the demise of Romeo and Juliet.…
In Romeo and Juliet the three to blame was Balthasar, Tybalt, and Romeo. I think the least to blame is Romeo because he was the one who killed Tybalt. Balthasar is then blamed next because he saw Juliet and her funeral and told Romeo she was dead. Tybalt is then the most to blame because he is the one to kill Mercutio and caused trouble. The least to blame is Romeo.…
Romeo and Juliet, star crossed lovers, with their love destined for death. With their lives ending in an untimely death, who is to blame? One may say fate was determined to keep them apart. Was it Friar Lawrence, who agreed to marry them and aided Juliet with a sleeping remedy? Or was it the ongoing feud between the Capulets and Montagues?…
Romeo is to blame for both his, and Juliet's death. One of the reasons it was Romeo’s fault was because he was too Impulsive with love throughout the play. Each time he approaches his relationship he is moving fast and being too hasty. In the beginning of the play, Romeo was in love with Rosaline and was upset and heartbroken because she did not love him back. Once he saw Juliet, he Immediately forgot about Rosaline and fell in love with Juliet at first sight.…
The long-lasting family feud is to blame for Romeo and Juliet's death. "It’s only your name that is my enemy. You are yourself, though—not a Montague." Said by…
Blame refers to when a person assigns responsibility for a fault or wrong. People usually resort to blame to shift focus from themselves because they do not want to face something, and so people do not think negatively of them. Blame is a factor in a play known as Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, because someone in the play must be at fault for the deaths of the star-crossed lovers, since they did not happen out of chance. In the play the 2 factors that are to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet are the feud between the Montagues and Capulets, and Friar Lawrence.…
Good morning/ afternoon. Today I’m here to persuade you to share my belief on who is ultimately responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. I believe, and before I conclude my speech I can guarantee you will too, that the feud is to blame for the deaths of our star-crossed lovers. This is because it causes massive fights, clouds people’s judgement and actions and makes Romeo and Juliet’s love forbidden.…
Who is to Blame? Romeo and Juliet was a story about two lovers who died because of many people but one of these people was guilty. In the story of Romeo and Juliet Friar Lawrence, is to blame for their deaths because he married Romeo and Juliet, and he gave the potion to Juliet, and he hid Romeo from the prince. with this information brought to you, you should believe that Friar Lawrence.…
The prologue in Romeo and Juliet tell us the fate of the couple, but the ending still hits hard and leaves readers wondering why. Romeo and Juliet is a tale of young love set in Verona, Italy written by William Shakespeare. The two meet, marry, and die shockingly quick. No one seems to be able to agree who to blame for their deaths. Some people believe it was fate, bad decisions, or the family feud.…
Who’s To Blame? Is fate true? Is a death written in the stars or simply caused by unlikely events? William Shakespeare, in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, says higher powers are behind inevitable deaths. In the play, Romeo and Juliet are lovers from feuding families, preventing them from being together.…
Fate is the development of events beyond a person's control, as determined by a supernatural power. Two young lovers were destined with a fate that caused a terrible end to their lives, and with their destiny they brought death to the ones around them. In the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, two teenagers from feuding families hide their forbidden love. After Romeo and Juliet marry in secret, Romeo is banished for taking the life of Juliet’s cousin, and a new man had been arranged to wed Juliet. In the end, their rash actions led to their suicides to join each other in death.…