Friar Lawrence and Friar John did not deliver the right message at the right time which caused Romeo and Juliet to kill themselves. One example of the adults being at fault is when Friar Lawrence explained, “I’ll send a friar immediately to Mantua, with letters to your husband…” (Romeo and Juliet.4.1.108-109). This example shows that Friar Lawrence was certain that his plan would work. His plan was for Juliet to consent to marry Paris and drink a sleeping potion the night before the wedding that will make her appear dead, long enough to be laid in the Capulet tomb where Romeo will retrieve …show more content…
Friar Lawrence made a poor, last minute plan to not inform Romeo and Juliet at the same time. He made Juliet agree to the plan wholeheartedly and made it certain that Romeo will save her in time; even when the plan, later on, did not work. Another piece of evidence is when Friar John explained, “I couldn’t send it-here it is back again-nor get a messenger to deliver it to you. They were so afraid of infection…” (Romeo and Juliet.5.2.13-15). This piece of evidence shows that Friar John was supposed to deliver a message to Romeo that explains Friar Lawrence’s plan. But, that message couldn’t be delivered because Friar John was shut up in a quarantined house due to an outbreak of plague. This made Romeo believe false information from Balthazar, which triggered him to kill himself. Unaware of the plan, he tells Romeo that Juliet was found dead. Friar Lawrence realized that there will be no one to retrieve her from the tomb when she awakes. Therefore, the adults were to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because of their unclear and inadequate communication. If the adults, Friar Lawrence and Friar John delivered the right message at the right time, Romeo and Juliet would have never had a