Who Is Hera Powerful?

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“Power is always dangerous. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best” said Edward Abbey, an American author. Hera was Queen of the ancient Greek gods and was an extremely powerful figure. Her family, marriage, extensive wrath, and Roman counterpart all played an important role in her daily life. Hera was born to Cronus and Rhea, two of the Titans. In total she had five siblings: Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia, and Zeus. Her father Cronus was nervous one of his children would overthrow him, so he swallowed them whole right after they were born. Cronus was not aware of Zeus’s birth so Zeus poisoned his food forcing him to throw up the rest of his siblings. From then on until she was grown, the Tethys raised Hera to be a powerful young woman. …show more content…
Zeus was intrigued by Hera’s beauty and competence. Hera refused Zeus’s flirting gestures and as a result he tried a different approach. He turned himself into a distressed cuckoo bird so Hera would comfort him. His plan worked and Hera rested the bird on her chest and he suddenly transformed back into his normal form. Hera was extremely taken aback and could not move so Zeus trapped her and raped her. Hera was so embarrassed by her pre-marital pregnancy she finally accepted his marriage proposal. The children they had together were Ares, Hebe, and Eileithya. Alone she gave birth to Hephaistos, who was later thrown off Mount Olympus for his ugliness. Hera had many troubles with her family but she always found a way back to

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