In fulfillment of my classroom commitments, I am offering to write a white paper to Cullen Geiselman of Bat Conservation International in regards to a technology discovered in 2013. This white paper will be written under the guidelines of my English 3302 studies along with Technical Communications by Paul Anderson. The technology chosen would aid the organization in many of its goals regarding bat conservation. A volatile organic chemical (VOC) derived from bacteria is found to hinder white-nose syndrome fungus growth in bat colonies across America. These VOCs will be the main focus of my white paper. This technology must be introduced to the organization I chose because they are best fit to utilize it. The Bat Conservation International’s goals are to prevent extinction, preserve diverse bat ecosystems, and address serious threats to bats. The VOCs can aid the BCI’s efforts in their three main goals. The chemicals will prevent further bat fatalities, preserve their ecosystems from the highly-spreading fungi, and take action against this serious threat that is endangering U.S. bat populations. The white paper I am writing for this class will discuss all the problems my chosen technology will be able to fix. It will also educate Dr. Geiselman, the president of Bat Conservation International, on the chosen technology. Problem My white paper serves to provide Dr. …show more content…
Geiselman with in-depth research of the helpful volatile organic chemicals she would otherwise not be able to do herself as a high-ranking official in many organizations and committees related to bats. The research I will do in Tarleton’s library will use as many resources as possible to provide a spectrum of information to the white paper’s audience. The white paper will also discuss how the technology has helped researchers in their own goals, and how implementing their research will help Dr. Geiselman’s organization fulfill its goals. The discovery of this technology is new and tests are still underway to analyze the best way to spread the VOCs. The white paper strives to educate the Bat Conservation International on this recent technology. Bat survival depends on research, knowledge and implementation of beneficial technology. It can be difficult to know what VOCs are and what they are capable of without taking the time to research them beforehand. A similar problem is that individual research is too lengthy for neither Dr. Geiselman nor I. I plan to serve as the intermediary between the scientists conducting research and Bat Conservation International. In analyzing the potential of the technology, I am providing Dr. Geiselman with all the information she needs to know to come to a conclusion on her decision to use the technology for her organization’s benefit. Solution Dr. Geiselman and the Bat Conservation International organization must become aware of the helpful volatile organic chemicals used to treat white-nose syndrome in bats. I will type up and address a white paper to Dr. Geiselman. The white paper will inform and discuss the technology in more detail and in different situations. My white paper will not include individual research or interviews due to time constraints. I will instead interpret the data provided by research scientists studying VOCs. My goal is for the reader to have all questions answered about the technology once the white paper is completely read. Any other information in the white paper should be believable and cited correctly. It will have many different sources to back up any information written. I will use proper grammar and spelling along with active voice. The white paper will come in the form of a single-space, well organized bound book individuals can physically read through. I will write the white paper in a professional manner using the correct citation method of my major with Dr. Geiselman as the main audience. I will expand on each goal of the organization and how the discovered technology fulfills the organization’s goals. The paper will showcase the knowledge I have gained in this class through the previous assignments. It will contain information written thoroughly and precise enough to send to the Bat Conservation International if needed. Method In fulfilling my ability to write my white paper, I will use resources Tarleton State University’s library provides me. I will search the library for texts concerning my subject or technology. I will also utilize the provided online databases. I plan to write my white paper first using Google Docs, and