Primarily, one difference between American culture and structure compared to the traveler’s homeland culture and social structure is the diversity of people and the abundance opportunities for the jobs. This is shown when the traveler recounts their experience of seeing the Korean Taeguk Shuttle as well as the Arabic Sahara Shuttle by saying “forty-two other magic buses” in which carry many other people to destinations between Bakersfield to Disneyland. When the traveler describes the different types of buses as “magic buses” it explicitly states the awe and astonishment the traveler felt when experiencing this sight for the first time. While seeing the many types of people and all were separating into each of their assigned buses which represent their own cultures. The astonishment felt by the traveler inexplicitly states that this sight of diversity of people is not common in their homeland. Thus the diversity of people in America represents the cultural superiority that America has as compared to the limited diversity of people in the traveler’s homeland which in turn shows their cultural inferiority compare to America. Besides the diversify people in society the traveler also depict that America is the land of opportunity. Traveler exemplify in the statement that the amount of “opportunities are swirling dizzily, promiscuously, around them” is extraordinary. The traveler continues to strengthen the promiscuous nature of the opportunities by reciting their encounter with “criminal-looking security men” and he continues to state that “they have already braved the ranks of Asian officials,” traveler implicitly states that people like the “criminal-looking security men” are rare or non-existent occurrences in their home land society thus proving that the American opportunities compared to the traveler’s homeland opportunities are much more abundant. Thus able to gain a promiscuous nature which in turn differentiates, due to the difference in levels of opportunity, the social structure of the traveler’s homeland where only certain people gain certain jobs while in America where any person regardless of their cultural back ground can gain jobs and an abundant opportunities which reflects Americans social structure. Although, the traveler also stunned by the regulations and enforcement of American laws. The punishment for breaking rules as well as enforcement of laws in America is more strict but there is not a direct involvement of military compared to the traveler’s descriptions of their homeland’s security which describes the both cultural and social difference between the two worlds. This is shown when the traveler compares their homeland’s enforcement where the military involvement is needed in order to maintain order and up hold regulations. This explicitly shown by the shocked traveler when stating “there are no military planes on the tarmac [in America], the newcomers notice no khaki soldiers in fatigues, no instruction not to take photographs, as at home; but the civilian restrictions [are] every bit as strict as in many [policed] states” this lack of military personal as compared to the …show more content…
Traveler amazed “Where the worlds collide” is about the structure and culture of American society and its differences to the traveler’s homeland culture and how its society is structured. This is shown in their differences in the diversity of the types of people which result in diverse culture and the abundance of opportunities present which changes the social structure of society, the regulations and enforcement of rules which expresses the difference of culture and structure of both world , and finally advertisement of products as well as over priced products which shows the difference of ethical culture and the difference of influential forces in both worlds social