People around the world will find the availability to feed themselves once they produce their own food, lower the cost of food that is currently overpriced, and start depending less on fuels as a source of energy.
One way to secure the satiation of the people is by producing your own food. Years ago, countries, that are today considered poor, were able to feed themselves through an agricultural system. These countries include Mexico, Cambodia, Morocco, Senegal,Egypt, the Philippines, Haiti, amongst many others. Back when they made their own food, they were more competent to self-sustainment and independence. Now, instead of farming and making their own food, many indigent countries rely on imports from other countries to get, not only their food, but also resources and supplies. This has become a problem because with their dependence on imports, their government has spent all their money and therefore, don’t have enough left to pay for other needs such as medicine, shelters, water and most importantly, more food in the future. Also, we should take in consideration the growth of population. If population increases, there would need to be more food in order to feed more people. When people don’t have food they aren’t able to live and they eventually become prone to illness and injuries because of there state of being which could ultimately cause death. Consequently, if people die out from starvation, the population decreases, which would mean the possible extinction of a whole group of people. We need a community, in order to survive because we depend on others for help. For most of us, we depend on our families to care for us until we are eighteen and then we have to care for our own. A person does not have the ability to do that if they cannot provide food for themselves and others. By making our own food, we are reducing the risk of starvation. Agriculture has always had huge beneficial impacts on civilizations. Scientists have discover that our hominid ancestors made tools to get food in the form of hunter-gathering. Years later, with the development and evolution, humans would start to plant and make their own food with available resources from their surrounding areas. In addition to crops, livestock was bred through artificial selection, which would provide humans with only the best and largest portions of meat. It maintained a stable population as well because it wasn’t necessary to have more children since families were already successful. On Earth, we have over seven billion people and it is estimated to reach nine billion by the year 2050. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization states that, “We will need to provide twice as much food.” (“How Will the World Feed Itself.. 1). Therefore, because there is so many people in the world, if every country were to turn to agricultural systems, we could make more than enough food for everyone. Another problem the world faces that could easily be solved is the cost of common foods. During recent years, many everyday meals have spiked up due to vendors and governments wanting to make more money. This is shown in Thailand, were farmers have