No matter how much it can anger people, Hollywood does, get some things right, even if it is a little bit. Movies such as the many movies involving Heracles, Troy, and Immortals, are not well received, but they do get some aspects of the mythology they incorporate in the movies right. In this paper, I will do a sort of personal …show more content…
In my opinion, Troy was not too bad. It definitely had major inaccuracies and focused less on the mythology and more on the big name actors. The film is “loosely” (we see that word a lot when it comes to Greek mythology in popular culture) based on Homer’s the Iliad, but focuses mainly on the Trojan War (or part of it). The Trojan War was a decade long conflict that started all because of a woman. In recent times, if a war was started all because of a woman, it would be deemed laughable. That just shows how much times have changed has changed and how different civilizations were throughout