Consequently, Christians were able to construct churches throughout the Roman Empire. All of a sudden, the religion that was basis for persecution has now become the official religion of the empire. The sudden acceptance of Christianity as the religion of the Roman Empire presented many challenges. The early Christians didn’t have a formal religious system, rather, they followed the teachings of Jesus in the form of Gospels.…
Constantine tried to unite both empires with Christianity, and he was the one that supported the religion causing it to spread all over Europe and Asia more vehemently. The Roman Empire was based on a state-sponsored polytheistic belief system that entailed cults, ceremonies, and worshipping multiple Gods; before the rise of a new religion. Christianity caused concern among the ruling class by how fast it was expanding, thus they opposed it until the fourth century C.E. when legal protections were given to…
Not to be confused with the Roman Empire of ancient Rome, this was a later attempt to revive West Imperial Rome. In the fourth century, Christianity was was pronounced the official religion of the Roman Empire. This blending of religion and government was an unsettling mix of dogma and politics. The Holy Roman Empire officially began in 962 when Pope John XII crowned King Otto I of Germany and gave him the title of “emperor.” In the Holy Roman Empire, the kings and religious control fought often.…
Although the Roman Empire was alive from 31 BC till 410 CE (Sherman 133), Constantine was able to rule the whole Roman Empire under his belt from 324 CE till his death in 337 CE (National Geographic). Constantine had to fight hard to gain to the position he was most well known for. However Constantine was a Western Roman Emperor first in the early 300s, that was the time when he wanted to influence people into learning about Christianity and converting. When Constantine was in the position of ruling the West of Rome, Christians did not have many rights (at all really) and being a Christian had to be a secret or hidden. Constantine was very interested in Christianity and converted.…
There are many different types of people all over the world that practice Christianity. Christianity is the most popular religion in the world but, how did this religion come about prospering so much? While many preach Christianity openly today, in the 307-337 AD era this such ‘behavior’ was not allowed. Constantine, Roman emperor, was sole reason for Christians rights and prerogatives. Prior to Constantine, Christian worship was prohibited, churches were ordered to be destroyed, church properties to be confiscated and many more unfortunate events against the favor of many Christians.…
The people in Rome started believing in a new God. This faith in this new God was known as Christianity and it spread rapidly throughout the Roman Empire. It caused suffering and problems, but also gave many people a new hope. This faith came to the roman Empire through a new teacher known as Jesus who was born to preach and teach about God. This faith also spread through Judea and Galilee.…
How Christianity Helped Lead the Fall of Rome Within a few hundred years, the small, often hated Christianity became the most important religion of Europe and the Western world. By becoming the state religion of the Roman Empire, Christianity became the largest and strongest religion in the world. Christianity was spread through the Roman Empire by the early followers of Jesus. Even though saints Peter and Paul are said to have established the church in Rome, most of the early Christian communities were in the east like Alexandria in Egypt, as well as Antioch and Jerusalem. Christianity gained followers among both Jewish and non-Jewish, bringing them together with a message of unity before God.…
The introduction of Christianity into the Roman Empire was not formidable. Tens of thousands of Christians were severely persecuted, imprisoned, and martyred in what can be viewed as a religion-fueled genocide in Ancient Rome. Eventually, as Empire grew to accept and welcome Christians, the religion spread like wildfire. It is widely accepted that the establishment and prosperity of Christianity in the western world helped to slow the inevitable fall of the Roman Empire. The impact that Christianity had on the Empire remains to be visible, particularly when viewed from political, social, and economic aspects.…
There were many other religions in the Roman Empire, and the Romans usually accepted those religions as long as the people agreed to also worship the emperor and pay taxes. Christianity was different from the Roman religion and most of the other religions in the empire because they worshipped only one god. Christians were persecuted by the Romans because they refused to also worship the Roman…
Not too many people were paying attention to Christianity. At this time the Christian community was poorly structured and men and women were sharing important roles. The Christian groups did not have a real place within the empire so they tended to meet in private locations to celebrate and worship. The Roman officials did not pay much if any attention to the Christian community, because they didn’t consider them a threat to the empire. During the second century the Christian communities were becoming more organized and they began to travel throughout the Roman Empire spreading their religion.…
During the Roman Empire, Christianity was accepted and rejected by many. According to Rodney Stark in The Rise of Christianity, “Christianity demanded exclusive commitment” (Stark, 1997). During this time, Christianity provided community, organization and a sense of purpose. This sort of belonging appealed to many of the Roman citizen, which made them even more committed to this new faith. Christians embraced the Scripture and focused on Christian love and spreading the Gospel.…
How Christianity Led to the Fall of Rome The Roman Empire fell to many declines, and unbelievably, the rise of Christianity is one of the declines. The rise of Christianity all officially started when Constantine the Great, (Emperor from 306-337 AD) made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. As a consequence, they had to tear down old temples where the Romans worshiped their gods and build new churches on top of them which made people upset. Also, there were some riots. During this time there was a controversy, on whether Jesus of Nazareth did all the things the Bible claims he did.…
But ruler Constantine continued Diocletian's policies and expanded to the east; the city of Byzantium. Next, during the economic challenges Christianity become more popular as a religion.…
Christianity made its way through the Roman Empire spreading like fire, despite being persecuted for going against the Greco-Roman beliefs. The prosecutions against the Christians only served to strengthen the religion, as it looked for ways to protect itself by developing a “more centralized organization of its various church communities” ( Spielvogel…
Christianity’s control grew greatly and rapidly and this minimized the power of the empire. The church leader’s power increased while the Roman Empire’s power decreased. “Over time, Church leaders became influential and took away power from the emperor.” ( Some of the Christian’s beliefs and ways of life conflicted with the laws of the empire and the people chose Christian laws over the Empire’s laws. This contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire.…