He didn’t question his existence or why the government works in mysterious ways, until he attends the Two Minutes Hate, where it shows a picture of a leader of another country. The crowd then proceeds to scream in agony and as the picture slowly turns to Big Brother, the crowd rejoices. Winston’s subordinate, O’Brien looks at him with confusion, and thought about the same question, why? This is where Winston begins to question the entire government and how it works. Its separate branches with ironic names, the Two Minute Hate, everything comes into question with one glaring look of a comrade. For once, Winston felt a strong bond with this stranger.
Winston’s struggle for freedom continues as writes in his diary, “Down with Big Brother.” Knowing the consequences of what is yet to come, Winston is always cautious about what he writes, as the Thought Police are searching for the minds of Rebels like himself. With an ongoing war, with East Asia and Eurasia, a rebellion mustn’t be formed which is why the Thought Police exist. His hatred towards Big Brother clearly shows that Winston is trying to make an effort to not only make Oceania a better place, but potentially the