Eventually, Fredrick Douglass was able to escape slavery with the help of Anna Murray. He escaped to New York and met up with an abolitionist David Ruggles and soon Murray met up with Fredrick Douglass and got married. Eventually in 1845 Fredrick Douglass was able to print his first autobiography called the “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave”. The treatment of Fredrick Douglass as a young slave shows the life of a slave at his age and how it varies depending in each slave. At the start of Chapter 5, Fredrick Douglass talks about his life on Colonel Lloyd’s planation. At this point, Fredrick Douglass was a young slave, but since he wasn’t strong enough to work in the fields he had plenty of leisure time. The most Fredrick Douglass can do is run errands for Mrs. Lucretia Auld and help Master Daniel Lloyd find his birds after he has shot them. Before the events of this chapter, Fredrick Douglass was born into the Lloyd plantation and his first master was Captain Anthony. Colonel Lloyd was very wealthy man during this time. During his time growing …show more content…
Many people know slavery is harsh but not many people know struggles in detail. For example, Fredrick Douglass’ father was known to be a white man. Also the events that led up to this speaks about the masters of some plantations would sometimes rape their own slaves. In this passage it shows that Fredrick Douglass had easier work than some other slaves had. It shows that depending on the slave the hardships are different. Fredrick Douglass only had to do things like drive up the cows at evening, keep the fowls out of the garden, keep the front yard clean and run errands, but he still had a lot of leisure time. Fredrick Douglass’ life compared to some slaves on the Lloyd plantation, he actually had it pretty easy, still itdoesn’t change the fact that he still had no choice but to do whatever the master told him to do, in addition, to having only one set of clothing and not much to eat. This passage is very important to the context of the narrative because it shows slavery from Fredrick Douglass’ point of view and the treatment a slave gets if he or she doesn’t have the skills to do help with the