I can tell from my reading that the author wants to show us that you should stand up for yourself of other will think it’s okay to hurt you.The author creates this theme by Maleeka not standing up for herself in the beginning and letting others bully her like a time in the book her bully was beating her she says in the book, “My fingers are starting to shake and my throat is dry as toast. Daphne’s itching for a fight. I can feel it. The next thing I know , she’s grabbing hold of my braids. She got them wrapped around her hands like a boxing tape and is punching me upside the head with them (40)’’...‘’Kids are yelling around me ,Beat her but (41)”.So the main theme for my book is bullying is never the right …show more content…
Maleeka was this 12 year old girl who had trouble loving the skin she is in and standing up for herself every time someone made fun of her, called her names and girls who would hit her. In the book, the group of girls say, ‘’Maleeka , Maleeka , we sure want to keep her but she so black , we just can’t see her…”(23) ‘’Maleeka’s face says she should stay out of the sun…’’(23). They were making fun of the skin she was in and how she should stay out the sun because she so black. So one reason why it's important to love who you are and stand up for yourself is because you you cant love the skin you're in then other will notice and use it as your weekins and a reason to bully you. Also why it's important to stand up for your left because people will walk over you until you make sure your voice is heard. Loving yourself is not always special when other and society keeps telling you all these lies about yourself and you start to believe it. Yet there are people out there who tell you your beautiful just as you are just like Maleeka teacher tells her, ’’Maleeka your skin is pretty. Like a black-blue sky after it’s rained and rained(11)”, also she says ’’Maleeka’s face says, Black is beautiful (26)”. Maleeka never believes her teacher because others tells her other things such as when John this boy she had a crush on tells her “ I don’t see no pretty, just a whole lotta black”(3). She believes that