Tech companies have created apps which is a self contained program or piece of software designed to fulfill a specific purpose typically downloaded to a mobile device. Each app represents an individual function and/or purpose. The different types of radio apps are Pandora, VEVO, iHeartRadio, Slacker Radio and Tunele Radio. Some can be downloaded free of charge and all stations are free. The modern day radio has thousands of different stations but in the 1920’s listener were limited to a couple of stations. The first commercial radio station was KDKA. According to Linda Alchin in her article 1920’s radio they were the first ever licensed radio station that was broadcasted on November 2, 1920. By 1922 there were over five hundred radio stations in America. Edward S. Rogers, Sr. invented the line operated vacuum tube radio receiver. The vacuum tube receivers were able to drive loudspeakers in turn allowed the whole family to listen at once. Today the modern day radio can be played through wireless speakers loud enough for an entire stadium to
Tech companies have created apps which is a self contained program or piece of software designed to fulfill a specific purpose typically downloaded to a mobile device. Each app represents an individual function and/or purpose. The different types of radio apps are Pandora, VEVO, iHeartRadio, Slacker Radio and Tunele Radio. Some can be downloaded free of charge and all stations are free. The modern day radio has thousands of different stations but in the 1920’s listener were limited to a couple of stations. The first commercial radio station was KDKA. According to Linda Alchin in her article 1920’s radio they were the first ever licensed radio station that was broadcasted on November 2, 1920. By 1922 there were over five hundred radio stations in America. Edward S. Rogers, Sr. invented the line operated vacuum tube radio receiver. The vacuum tube receivers were able to drive loudspeakers in turn allowed the whole family to listen at once. Today the modern day radio can be played through wireless speakers loud enough for an entire stadium to