Laws are sets of regulation that binds everyone or entities within the set geopolitical landscape. Laws are executed to enforce such rules, hence requiring all abiding individuals within the geographical region. Therefore, rules and regulations that are part of laws apply to those who belong to the specific geographical region. Only Approved Indians Can Play Made in The USA elucidate the ideas of individuals’ rights to sovereignty and how such rights are protected by regulations that is defined by the political setup. A political power holder writes the laws and individuals within the setup are obliged to compliance no matter the cultural heritage. Those who could attain power and use it to control behaviors of individuals …show more content…
So, who are these people? They are the indigenous people of America who were considered to enter America from Asia. To prove yourself as an approved Indian, you should have a BIA identification card, is most emphasized term in this story. So, what does a BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) do and what its mission is? Official website of Bureau of Indian Affairs tells that, their mission is to “enhance the quality of life, to promote economic opportunity, and to carry out the responsibility to protect and improve the trust assets of American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives (“Indian Affairs | Who We Are”).” This leads us to the fact that by law, to become an Indian, BIA should provide you with the card for your recognition as an …show more content…
I think we’ve won.” America is the country where rules and regulation or the laws are strictly implemented. It’s the country with one of the best constitutions in the world with proper checks and balance system. It is because of the constitution and laws that today; America is the most powerful nation in the whole world. In this short story, it’s because of the rules of the game that Tucson team got disqualified and The Great Lakes team won. If the organizers of the tournament had not followed the rules and had let the Tucson team play, then I think the result wouldn’t have been good as in my view they would have ended fighting each other. Proper law implementation leads to a peaceful surrounding. People of Syria are moving to America as refugees, why? It’s because the Syrian government does not have a good government policy that would benefit citizens as the American government does. There will be few cases where you should bend the rules, but only when it benefits the people without creating a negative effect on others. Else, laws are not made to be broken and I believe in rules and