A is having iron-deficiency anemia is that since the golf season started she is experiencing shortness of breath and having low energy level. Also in the emergency clinic examination, the doctor noticed that she is having elevated heart rate and respiratory rate. She is having typical sign and symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia, which is general fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, fast or irregular heart beat and headache (Health line, 2015). Also according to her blood work, the hemoglobin level, hematocrit and erythrocyte count are below normal and also RBC smears shows microcytic means smaller size of RBCs and hypochromic means less hemoglobin in every RBCs. The laboratory work also proves that she is having iron-deficiency anemia. The low erythrocytes level forces the heart and lungs to fulfill the demand of the body during physical activity (National Heart, Lungs, and Blood Institute, 2014) and high altitude, where the oxygen concentration is low (Altitude Research Center, 2009). This causes increase in heart and respiratory rate of Ms. …show more content…
A, she is experiencing menorrhagia and dysmenorrheal since 10 to 12 years and to alleviate these symptoms she was taking aspirin during her menstruation. In addition to it, this summer while playing golf she was also taking aspirin for stiffness in her joints. Aspirin is a blood thinning agent and can cause increased bleeding during menstruation (CDC, 2015). Also during her menstrual cycle, she is experiencing excessive blood loss, which increases the demand of iron and oxygen in the body. This causes difficulty in transportation of oxygen because of less iron, Ms. A notice increased in shortness of breath and decrease level of energy. Also her symptoms getting worse while having her menstrual cycle. Also Menorrhagia can increase the risk of developing iron-deficiency anemia because it decreases the iron level in the body (Mayo Clinic, 2014). All the presenting sign and symptoms and the laboratory results proves that Ms. A is experiencing iron-deficiency anemia. To treat this condition, patient should take iron supplement and should eat food rich in iron such as meat, egg and green leafy vegetables. Also including Vitamin C in the diet will assist in absorption of iron. For severe condition, patient might have blood transfusion or intravenous iron therapy (Health 24,