College is worth the cost. College is worth the cost because it you can have a healthy lifestyle. Reserchers say a college graduate is more likely to exsercise regularly. And reduce their chances of getting sick or getting a disease. This you might want to consiter because you dont want to catch the flu or cold.…
The friends and memories made in college are priceless. Also, a person with a college diploma will also be able to choose the career that interests them and makes them the happiest for the large portion of their life that requires them to…
Is College Worth It ? that's the big question for most students now because the cost of college is increasing and jobs are getting hard to get .In today’s society now college has become an requirement .We grew up being taught without an education beyond an high school diploma that it's going to be harder in life that the higher your education the more you will be successful. That is not true college doesn't guarantee success they are many other ways to succeed without a college degree. College is not worth it because a college degree doesn’t guarantee employment ,the burden of student debt and college dropouts .…
The payoff may not be your dream job right away; it does guarantee more job choices. As a part of my class on October 17, 2016, I surveyed a few people at Triton College. I’ve asked my subjects three questions pertaining to pursuing higher education. All agreed with me that it is worth it and all said that having a college degree leads to better jobs, better pay, and completed goals. A degree can open doors to a better future.…
Anaisha Murray Mr. King ENGL 101-029 February 3rd, 2014 Is College Worth the Cost? Many people argue that college is not worth the cost. Some individuals say that college is too expensive and when they graduate they are not able to find a job with their degrees. People also say that college is not worth the amount of money they have to pay back in loans after they graduate. Those are all points stated in Rodney K. Smith’s essay…
College is worth it because college graduates have a higher rates of employment. According to iHELP “only 3.8 percent of college graduates are unemployed, whereas 12.2 percent of people with only a high school degree are unemployed. The job market is extremely competitive, and a four-year degree will greatly increase your odds of success.” Going to college will help a lot when it comes…
Therefore, college is the worth the costs in most cases. College at its core promises more money in your future occupation. Yes, you spend on average four years of your life getting a degree; however, the statistics say, allows you to earn over 83% more than the non college graduate (David). The fact is, if you don’t want to make more money getting a higher paying job, then don’t go to college. Some might say that the college graduate would have more debt than the non college graduate; which is a very valid point.…
Making more money, low unemployment rate, and having more options than just a four year college degree are why college is worth the cost for all students. Making more money at the job you chose to go to school for is the biggest benefit of going to college. Catherine Rampell says, “The median college graduate earned 38% more than just a high school grad in 1979, but today a college graduate earns…
College provides you with the opportunity to form new relationships, acquire new skills, and grow into and adult. If you have earned the opportunity to attend college it is definitely worth it, the rewards that you gain from graduating college outweigh the debts. College is worth it when you take it seriously, and approach…
College is Not a Waste In the essay, “College is a Waste of Time and Money,” author, Caroline Bird states how college is not a good option for people. Bird says students are not being prepared for their jobs, aren 't guaranteed a better salary after college, and many more reasons why college isn 't important. Not everyone belongs in college, I agree, but it does have its benefits. I believe college is absolutely not a waste of money and time.…
Summary In her essay “ College is a Waste of Time and Money”, she used three subpoints illustrating her claims that we should let students choose their own future and give their freedom on whether they are going to the college. First of all, she does not think that college is a place to make students smarter. Then, she talks about that college cannot promise the result of graduating from the college. What’s more, students do not satisfy from their college courses and professors due to the radical changes of the colleges.…
College Is Not Worth It College might be worth it for some but not for all. Going to college is a hard decision you have to make. It leads to you to being more independent and making your own decisions. Choosing to go or not to college affects your future and what type of lifestyle you want for yourself.…
Essentially people have to have a college degree to be able to live comfortably. College also gives you a more individualized focus on what you career path is. College may have many negatives, but the positives outweigh them.…
College Education Worth the Cost Whether college education is worth the cost being is a heated discussion topic. Some individuals think that college’s tuition fee is too expensive. Most graduates are not able to find a job with their degrees when they are graduated from university. People also think that college education is not worth the money because some students have to pay back in loans after they graduate.…
Higher education can also be worth the investment, it makes it easier to be employed and maintain a healthier stress free lifestyle with a college degree you can open up new doors for success. Much contemporary rhetoric focuses on the issue of higher education, students get the thought that higher education is a waste of time and investment they feel they. Should start off straight in their course of study without achieving what comes with it causing college anxiety which leads to dropouts. Overall, this literature supports that college has…