Ethics are the athletic trainer’s responsibilities to do something or to carry out a service, so if these services aren’t being carried out then the law may have to step in to ensure that the services are being performed. I believe that the athlete’s legal right begins when they feel as if they are being wronged or as if the trainer isn’t performing their ethical responsibilities. In this case the athlete may feel as if the athletic trainers didn’t perform their ethical responsibilities because they allowed a major infection to take place.…
According to Summers, Ethical principles and boundaries are necessary and an essential part of the human services field (Summer, 2016). These principles and boundaries are set it place to protect the individual, practitioner as well the organization, in which he or she represents. There are specific instances where ethics will come into play, such as dual relationships, accepting gifts from those you serve and entering into sexual or romantic relationships. In each of the situations noted above there is a chance to cause real harm to the individual one is suppose to help. Ethical behavior can be measured by three specific concepts, which are moral, ethical and legal (Summer, 2016).…
Most recently I had a client express to me that she was upset with a staff member because "she ratted me out, I thought she was my friend". This is a prime example of blurred boundaries. I had the opportunity to educate that individual on the fact that the staff member was doing their job and that they are not there to be a friend. I feel the regular education for the clients as well as staff what the boundaries are is important. I understand that there are times where maintaining that boundary is difficult, but in the end those rules and regulations are there for a reason.…
Boundaries can be among individuals in a workplace between the management and employees. For example, some boundaries are automatically put in place for this type of working relationship. Defined patterns or guidelines put in place that define the limits literally or…
This post will identify a set of criteria which to use to evaluate the effectiveness of a sports coach, a teacher, and a senior pastor referred to henceforth as leaders. Each of the items will be listed in order of highest priority to least. Next, the item will be justified along with how each item difference from each leader. Lastly, how each of these criteria can be measure will be looked at. This post is written from my personal perception of the job of these individuals and the roles that he/she plays in shaping the mind and character of those who are placed in their care.…
An athletic director may work with a coach to better the…
The first reason why boundaries are important is because if you are not given any boundaries than you…
We cannot commit conduct that has the community, our students, or fellow educators questioning our ethics. The Prezi, “Ethical Decision-Making for Preservice Professionals” outlined some guidelines expected of future educators. Because we are professionals, using slang, discussing personal issues with students, giving your cell phone number to students, and texting students are not appropriate. I plan on being a coach as well as an educator, so I have responsibility to teach and provide feedback to my student athletes. However, there is a line that I will not cross and that is participating in what I am coaching my athletes.…
The primary concern in establishing and managing boundaries with each individual client must be the best interests of the client. Except for behaviors of a sexual nature or obvious conflict of…
Referring back to Hanson & Savage’s article, they discuss what ethical coaching entails. According to Hanson & Savage (2015):…
(Dee, 1992) So, as a sports agent I will show a sense of moral to the profession and to the athletes. In conclusion, Theory of Coaching teaches a number of concepts that are helpful for my future career goal of becoming a Sports Agent. The three concepts are analyzing a personal objective, possessing a philosophical foundation, and implementing a code of ethics. Analyzing my personal objective will provide a sense of purpose.…
Introduction The coach’s role is to develop the coachee’s resourcefulness through skillful questioning, challenges, and support; not advising because when advice is given, the coach implies that he or she knows best and that the coachee does not (Rogers, 2012). Coaching requires a listening ear to ensure that the coachee is understood and is making decisions that will ultimately help accomplish the goals. During this final coaching session, my client and I will be working together to close the coaching sessions and then determine the next phase of our relationship Pre-Coaching Plan…
Boundaries is the degree of closeness within the family (Herring, 2015). Everyone has their own boundaries. The boundaries can be either open/flexible or closed/rigid. During my time with the guidance counselor, I have noticed that she has to watch how she speaks with the parents of the children she works with. Mrs. Gunnell the counselor has been trained to watch what boundaries she can and cannot cross with the parents.…
The most important shifts in my thinking about ethical practice is knowing how to enhance the quality of developing the skills and knowing your worth. Ethical Practice refers to the standards of professional conduct that an industry professional is expected to uphold. I feel as though, the way I view things from others people is different. For example, I don 't find anything wrong with giving advice or suggestion in a counseling setting or therapy session. But I learned that it 's unprofessional or unethical to give advice to a client because in our profession our job is to help clients discover their issues or problem to be resolved.…
Throughout the semester we have discussed many different topics but becoming an ethical teacher really was in my interest. There is a lot of reasons why you need to be an ethical teacher. Teachers are held to high standards because they are the ones that are with the students each and every day and the students look up to their teacher. One teacher states that, “Without systematic instruction in ethics, students would have no reference points to guide their practice of journalism except money and status, and we all know the schlock that produces. So I teach them ethical principles, along with models of ethical decision making.…