In order for this to be achieved the government relies on ignorance. This ignorance conditioned into the society eliminates basic human emotion and knowledge of all things that could cause pain among the people. In doing this, reducing people to a child-like state, they are able to take utter control and induce the illusion of complete happiness. Only when pain is eliminated happiness can prosper, Huxley shows this by eliminating the most basic human pains of free will, love, and religion. Brave New World contains the basic debate on whether or not it is right to be blinded from basic human emotion to maintain happiness, or to know and experience pain in all of it’s forms.
The debate of whether free will is a positive or negative thing is a very common motif in literature. In eliminating a humans free will you gain control of their emotions. The society in Brave New World functions on this ignorance, in order to be happy, one cannot know or think for themselves. The ability to think is the ability to feel pain, to question the government and by doing so questioning your existence. The