Animal Testing Is An Ethical Form Of Science

Superior Essays
In the United States alone, notably around 100 million animals die every year from lab testing, including larger animals like dogs and cats, along with smaller rodents. With animal testing on the rise, it is called out for being an unethical form of science. There are scientists and pro animal rights activists constantly on the search to reduce the number of animals involved in animal testing. They are trying to find alternatives to help layout a better blueprint for the science world. For instance, there are different types of lab testing that are used in an attempt to make animal testing more humane, as well as trying to pass laws that limit the use of animals in testing, scientists are stepping towards more animal free labs. In today’s society, with the advancing technology, it allows studying human diseases at the genetic level possible. Thus, increasing the opportunities for advancement in animal science. Animal testing, in order to be a socially accepted method, there needs to be a reduction in the amount of animals used by replacing the existing methods with more humane alternatives, while still providing useful information, and a refinement in the way the experiments are carried out by updating laws to mitigate the problem. Being able to replace animal testing altogether can be a daunting task to complete, but trying new forms of lab testing opens up the possibilities to coming as close to labs that are animal free as possible. For some experiments, there are no non-animal alternatives and according to Jan Ottesen, vice president of a lab animal science at Danish company Novo Nordisk, a pharmaceutical company, being able to mimic the human body when doing studies about arthritis, and how to decrease joint pain, animals are necessary. However, when alternatives can be used, they should, in order to provide the best solution to animal testing. A broader version of testing is in-vitro, which is taking cells or tissue from humans or animals and then use in a laboratory study. In Vitro studies allow scientists to isolate specific cells, bacteria, and viruses and study them without the distractions of having to look at a whole organism. Commonly used in vitro tests with chemical toxicity tests are “perfused organ preparations, isolated tissue preparations, single-cell suspensions, and cell-culture systems, such as primary cell cultures and mammalian cell lines” ("Animal and In-Vitro Toxicity"). Subsequently, these cell culture systems can be used more frequently because of their inexpensive cost. This method is a noninvasive form of research, furthermore, with in-vitro testing there comes smaller forms of testing--all helping to receive data back from tests that can be done without incising into animals. …show more content…
Using in-vitro methods, it diminishes the use of the mice and other rodents in the earlier stages of laboratory testing ("Science and Research"). Even more, in-vitro testing can replace testing on animals when it comes to extensive drug testing for large-scale pharmaceutical industry because of the “ease of culture for production, compared with the use of animals, and because of economic considerations” ("Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages"). This allows a certain test to be replicated numerous amounts of time, all while keeping the costs relatively low.
As well as replacing animals, while choosing in-vitro methods, it will decrease the amount of laboratory personnel. In every lab that requires animal testing, veterinarians, animal handlers, and those who have to feed and take care of the animals, they will not be as greatly needed if animal testing is replaced by in-vitro testing. With a less amount of people to pay to take care of the animals, the less the government has to pay out to the workers. Therefore, in-vitro testing can be a less expensive form of testing rather than using animal models. Based on human cell and tissue cultures, in-vitro methods can only focus on the cellular level. Consequently, not redeeming it safe to be used on humans without other forms of testing, but can be used in preliminary testing to ease the number of animals involved, which is the main goal. Since in-vitro tests on a cellular level, things like the body temperature of an animal, and their blood electrolytes are not reflected in the cells in which they are mixed (Daston and Hartung), in that case, making it

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