The infant was playing with a variety of toys but he particularly was interested in a rattle, a stuffed animal, and a mini electronic keyboard. The infant demonstrated the most amount of asymmetry in terms of movement, while playing with the electronic keyboard. Because of the higher demand of fine motor control and the use of advance skill level the infant was predominantly using the right hand. Using the domain hand, the infant clicked the buttons on the keyboard to make …show more content…
Here he performed with bilateral head turns and observation of other infants and less of his toy playing. In prone position the infant was able to go very quickly from one toy or play area to another, however, he would fatigue easily and spend time in prone as a relief position or break while playing moving from toy to toy. Side lying, this position was also utilized in left and right side lying as a part of his active rest. Prop sit he utilized this position along with quadruped the most. Quadruped this was the most highly employed position of all. This was the static portion of his crawling, which he was symmetrical and proficient in. Squat and reach this was the upper level of his motor milestones as this represented typical development for his age. Supported standing this was not utilized as much as a playing posture but rather as an exploratory movement that challenged his stability. He would let go with one hand but then quickly return to bilateral arm