Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy. Florence was named after the Italian city of Florence. She was born on May 12, 1820. Florence is the daughter of a wealthy British couple. She has an older sister, Frances. Florence's Father was well educated and had inherited …show more content…
She introduced quality inspections of bedding, equipment, and food, she also made sure these only the best were purchased. She made sure all food served was nutritious and healthy. In just a few months, old staff was replaced with more enthusiastic, caring staff. Nightingale's improvements to healthcare spread quickly. Nursing was looked down upon and jobs were being taken by women who drank too much. Florence had decided to change this. She took a team of 38 nurses, consisting of 14 experienced hospital nurses, and 24 others. Soldiers idolized Florence. They could see she was working herself to exhaustion to provide care to them all.
During Nightingale’s first winter at Scutari, 4,000 soldiers died. She made sure that no one died alone, for 2,000 of these deaths she was present to provide comfort. After all, Nightingale has done, she is not really a nurse. The death rate at Scutari fell during the first weeks Nightingale was there at the hospital. Florence was physically and emotionally drained from her work, and she became sick. Undiagnosed at the time, a disease called spondylitis, caused her such pain she could not move at times, this will affect her for the rest of her long