For example, when you are having to contact a parent regarding a student’s behavior or failure to achieve in their academics. This could potentially lead to a conflict between the teacher and the parents. Parents pride themselves on their child’s work and success. Another example, might be when you have to co-teach with another teacher, they will most likely have ideas of how the lesson should go and you will also have ideas. These ideas could oppose one another, resulting in conflict amongst the two of you. In both these examples I would strive to use my preferred style of conflict resolution which is collaboration. With that being said, three tips/ideas/pointers from Terri McCantrs videos that I will consider in the future when working in situations of conflict would be, listen reflectively (for both feelings and facts and ask open-ended questions, demonstrate empathy, and manger anger. My rational for choosing these three areas are because these are areas I lack in when conflict arises in my
For example, when you are having to contact a parent regarding a student’s behavior or failure to achieve in their academics. This could potentially lead to a conflict between the teacher and the parents. Parents pride themselves on their child’s work and success. Another example, might be when you have to co-teach with another teacher, they will most likely have ideas of how the lesson should go and you will also have ideas. These ideas could oppose one another, resulting in conflict amongst the two of you. In both these examples I would strive to use my preferred style of conflict resolution which is collaboration. With that being said, three tips/ideas/pointers from Terri McCantrs videos that I will consider in the future when working in situations of conflict would be, listen reflectively (for both feelings and facts and ask open-ended questions, demonstrate empathy, and manger anger. My rational for choosing these three areas are because these are areas I lack in when conflict arises in my