An anonymous English author published an essay stating that illnesses seen in chimney sweepers were caused by soot and those who were smokers were having similar illnesses. Samuel Thomas von Soemmering in 1795 was first to discover cancer in the lip from pipe smokers. After that discovering other physicians began to write about the dangers of tobacco (Cancer Council para. 3). It was not until the 1920’s that medical reports came out linking tobacco to lung cancer. This would have been devastating to the tobacco industries and many news sources refused to publish these findings. The news of tobacco causing cancer was down until the 1950s and 1960s when new research was released stating how dangerous tobacco can be and is the cause of many cancers and diseases. People did not believe these reports at first. January 1964, Surgeon General Luther Terry issued a landmark conclusion that smoking was a direct link to lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema (Durand para. 3-4). This is when people finally started to realize how dangerous smoking can be. Electronic cigarettes were first developed in China in 2003 as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes. The inventor, Hon Lik was a pharmacist and a frequent smoker. Lik watched his father pass away from lung cancer and decided to invent a device that was a safer alternative to traditional smoking (Casaa para. 1-4). According to the health section of, electronic cigarettes were first introduced to the United States in 2007. Reports suggest that smoking is at an all time low with traditional cigarettes. However there is an increase among the young generation that use devices that produce vapor instead of smoke but still contain nicotine. A 2014 survey published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report reveals that one quarter of high school students and close to eight percent of middle schoolers have used some form of tobacco during the preceding month. This survey had a large sample size of 22,000 respondents (Rifkin para. 3). Although traditional cigarette smoking is at an all time low, people are still
An anonymous English author published an essay stating that illnesses seen in chimney sweepers were caused by soot and those who were smokers were having similar illnesses. Samuel Thomas von Soemmering in 1795 was first to discover cancer in the lip from pipe smokers. After that discovering other physicians began to write about the dangers of tobacco (Cancer Council para. 3). It was not until the 1920’s that medical reports came out linking tobacco to lung cancer. This would have been devastating to the tobacco industries and many news sources refused to publish these findings. The news of tobacco causing cancer was down until the 1950s and 1960s when new research was released stating how dangerous tobacco can be and is the cause of many cancers and diseases. People did not believe these reports at first. January 1964, Surgeon General Luther Terry issued a landmark conclusion that smoking was a direct link to lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema (Durand para. 3-4). This is when people finally started to realize how dangerous smoking can be. Electronic cigarettes were first developed in China in 2003 as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes. The inventor, Hon Lik was a pharmacist and a frequent smoker. Lik watched his father pass away from lung cancer and decided to invent a device that was a safer alternative to traditional smoking (Casaa para. 1-4). According to the health section of, electronic cigarettes were first introduced to the United States in 2007. Reports suggest that smoking is at an all time low with traditional cigarettes. However there is an increase among the young generation that use devices that produce vapor instead of smoke but still contain nicotine. A 2014 survey published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report reveals that one quarter of high school students and close to eight percent of middle schoolers have used some form of tobacco during the preceding month. This survey had a large sample size of 22,000 respondents (Rifkin para. 3). Although traditional cigarette smoking is at an all time low, people are still