Westward expansion was known as one of the greatest times of America. I will go over what made it easier to get there. What people, really needed to be there. Also, many EEEVIL, acts in presidency.
Westward Expansion Immigrants in the transcontinental railroad
The Transcontinental Railroad was very important, but who made it important? The Transcontinental Railroad started being made in 1862. The Central Pacific railroad company laid track eastward from Sacramento. However, the rival company the Union Pacific laid track westward from Omaha. The two companies were racing to see how much track the could lay before the met in the middle. But they weren’t just racing for no reason they were racing because the …show more content…
The Immigrants made up 81% of the workforce. Since the Central Pacific Railway company were near the west coast they had many of the Asian workers. The opposing company had more Irish and European. James Strobridge was impressed with the work ethic of the immigrants, he was also impressed with how brave they were. Brave by being willing to blow up sides of cliffs and crevasses. One thing that James thought was unfair was that, the Chinese were not allowed full citizenship but still paid taxes. Next, one more thing that made life hard for the immigrants, was that the chinese got paid 27$ later becoming 30$ but the irish got 35$ for the same work. Related to the last sentence the settlers from the east got paid an average of 53$ a day,and for the easy and slow …show more content…
The Mormons however searched fearlessly for religious freedom. The mormons started in New York 1830 Joseph Smith lead the Mormons in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Later, He decided to move west, astonishingly he convinced over a thousand Mormons to come with. They settled in Ohio and Missouri. Soon they had to leave, people from other religions attacked and robbed them. They quickly moved to Nauvoo Illinois.
People in Nauvoo, Illinois that weren’t Mormons believed they were becoming too powerful. As a result they arrested Joseph Smith and his brother. Sadly, on June 27, 1844 a mob broke into the prison and killed both of them. These mobs eventually drove all the Mormons out of Nauvoo, Illinois. Since the Mormons had to leave so much behind they received help from the Federal Government. They decided to make the Mormon battalion. There was about 500 volunteers for the Mormon battalion. Brigham Young their new leader said “We will only be safe in the west! The more west the safer.”
Did you know! Along the way they established small
Over 70,000 Mormon towns and businesses. Even pioneers traveled though it is called the Mormon