Emily’s video is not the first made by a student calling out the bullying in her school. There are plenty of students and teachers who speak out against their school and get suspensions, just like Emily did, or even fired in severe cases. Emily also is trying to put the message across that people need to stop bullying people, and suicide is not a joking matter. She starts the video talking about how a recent student’s death is not a joking matter, and that it should not be thrown around as if it was no big deal. Emily’s final issue discussed is online anonymity and how people think they can talk however they want, because no one will know its …show more content…
Especially since it was after school on a public-school campus. I believe she also had the permission of the teacher because how else would she get into the classroom after school hours? I also believe the issues of bullying and suicide are a big deal and need to be treated more seriously. Many students joke about suicide every day as I have noticed from my personal experiences. I also believe the administration punished the girl because they didn’t want her to reveal any sadder truths about how awful the administration is at doing their job. Emily’s video and my opinion both fall into the critical theory of sociology. Critical theory is anything aimed to critique society or societal norms. Emily’s video and I both agree that the “relaxed” mindset about suicide and bulling need to be stopped. I personally am very critical about how the school took away her free speech by saying they were going to punish her if she said anything else bad about the