Will Hamilton had felt his family was foolish in their intentions and not interested in money. “‘We had so many ideas we forgot to make money for groceries...and I’m the only one who ever made a dime’” (433). Will had wanted to make money and did not care for any fun unless he could make a profit. His father on the other hand had been content and successful in life. He kept his family happy and healthy, had many friendships and enjoyed his life fully. Samuel Hamilton is successful because after his death, he was remembered. “Was he loved or was he hated? Is his death felt as a loss or does a kind of joy come of it?...try so to live that our death brings no pleasure to the world” (412-413). Though most people desire money, one does not need money to be wealthy given that life brings happiness on its own time. East of Eden shows true wealth, money obscuring desires, and successful and unsuccessful lives. Money can be a factor in one’s life, but it should not dictate how one lives that
Will Hamilton had felt his family was foolish in their intentions and not interested in money. “‘We had so many ideas we forgot to make money for groceries...and I’m the only one who ever made a dime’” (433). Will had wanted to make money and did not care for any fun unless he could make a profit. His father on the other hand had been content and successful in life. He kept his family happy and healthy, had many friendships and enjoyed his life fully. Samuel Hamilton is successful because after his death, he was remembered. “Was he loved or was he hated? Is his death felt as a loss or does a kind of joy come of it?...try so to live that our death brings no pleasure to the world” (412-413). Though most people desire money, one does not need money to be wealthy given that life brings happiness on its own time. East of Eden shows true wealth, money obscuring desires, and successful and unsuccessful lives. Money can be a factor in one’s life, but it should not dictate how one lives that