an island in the Caribbean Sea. Possessing valuable resources and optimal conditions for
growing expensive crops such as sugar, France dedicated much of their money into this little
island, allowing Saint Domingue to become the wealthiest colony in this time period. However,
the Haitian slaves revolted against the French colonial rulers, resulting in the first complete
successful slave rebellion in history. However, the cost of the war, natural disasters, and a French
"independence tax" crippled the former colony, leading to an almost instantaneous decline in the
country's wealth and prosperity. Today, Haiti has the shameful title of the poorest country …show more content…
while the tropical storms contribute a little too much water to the country, almost none of that
water is sanitary, leading to a massive problem of horrendous water. A massive majority of the
population cannot receive trustworthy water, leading to the risk of many to drink or attempt to
self clean any water they can manage to collect (Brown). While many people in countries like the
United States, Britain, France, and Canada might not have to worry about whether or not the
water they drink is sanitary, that is a formality that Haiti does not possess. Murky, lukewarm, and
scarce is the water that many Haitians drink regularly. Without the ability to clean it themselves,
they are forced to drink or die, but sometimes drinking the water will give them diseases that
make them wish they had never taken a sip in the first place. Cholera became a terrible problem
in Haiti many years ago, but since has returned to plague the unfortunate who cannot sanitize
their own water. The lack of basic sanitation of water leads to massive cholera outbreaks, easily
obtained via the water the average person drinks on a regular basis (Brown). Painful, deadly, …show more content…
previously was the fact that Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and "the
richest 20% of households earn 64% of the country's total income, while the poorest 20% makes
do with just 1%" ("Extreme poverty drops"). The massive gap in income and distribution of
money is unacceptable and shameful. Haitian elites keep getting richer and richer, while the rest
of the country's population gets barely anything to support themselves. While the rich might not
like redistribution of wealth and money, the government should allow its own people to get some
of the money, instead of it all funneling to those wealthy Haitians. In fact, the Haitian
government has already begun to improve the massive poverty gap, with the percentage of those
living in extreme poverty dropped about 7% nationally, and 15% in the nation's capital, Port-Au-
Prince ("Extreme poverty drops"). The declining rates prove that Haiti's plans are working! If the
government continues with the methods it used to spark those changes, the people of Haiti