In my opinion, I think the most important part of the WU diversity statement is the first sentence that says, “The mission of our diversity initiative is to honor the Washburn University commitment to respect, embrace, enhance and celebrate diversity at all levels of the University and surrounding communities through faculty, staff, student and administrative efforts and community partnerships.” I think this sentence is important because it is stating what the mission of diversity is at Washburn. I support the WU diversity statement because the last sentence states, “Washburn defines diversity broadly to encompass gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation and identity, disability, age, religion and national origin” and this greatly reflects my views on diversity.
I met with Nicole Becker for my diversity interview. Nicole comes from a different socioeconomic class and religion than I do. I chose to interview Nicole because she is someone I know really …show more content…
My time in WU 101 has actually not changed my opinions on diversity. My opinions on diversity have remained the same since the beginning of the semester. I enjoyed the iRead lecture books, but as far as it having an effect on changing my opinions on diversity, it did not. For me, the books were more about me learning deeper into what happened during the Civil Rights Movement and hearing John Lewis’s stories. It felt more like a book for a history type class, but that is just my personal opinion. I did not feel like the books portrayed diversity to