In 1812, Napoleon led French troops into Russia to try to invade their cities and capture the land. “Rather than engaging the French in a full scale battle, the Russians adopted a strategy of retreating...Of …show more content…
“On June 18, at the Battle of Waterloo near Brussels, the French were crushed by the British, with assistance from the Prussians.” Napoleon led his army into Belgium hoping to continue his hope for European-wide power. Belgium had their allies stationed there at the time of the French troops attack and instead of capturing the land the British army and the Prussians attacked them. This then resulted in another downfall of the French military and Napoleon;s second abduction and exile to the island of Saint Helena where he died.
Napoleon had the potential to expand the French empire to be European-wide, but because of his weaknesses he failed. He as gotten many new opportunities to retreat battles, but because of his over confidence he seemed to try to push forward which ultimately led to many downfalls of the French military. Napoleon had gotten thousands of troops killed and important French territories captured by enemy countries. This all shows that Napoleon had ultimately failed to accomplish his dream of a European-wide