If Louis XIV was truly such a great king, then the money and fame would not matter to him, and he would focus solely on his people and making their lives better. Louis XIV actions were not justified for the greater good for France, this has been proven by the following arguments of Making himself absolute power, the Financial aspect of his heir, The Wars he had conducted. The common French people paid the government when we think about it, many of the kings and queens that ruled France knew this but still decided to act on such terms, making the life for the French
If Louis XIV was truly such a great king, then the money and fame would not matter to him, and he would focus solely on his people and making their lives better. Louis XIV actions were not justified for the greater good for France, this has been proven by the following arguments of Making himself absolute power, the Financial aspect of his heir, The Wars he had conducted. The common French people paid the government when we think about it, many of the kings and queens that ruled France knew this but still decided to act on such terms, making the life for the French