War On Terror Research Paper

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Do you ever get up in the morning for work and say this is going be a decent day? Will you get a promotion or a pay increase on your job? Well consider going to work and seeing planes collide with your employment. This day was known as 9/11 when George W. Bush reported a War on Terror. The war on terror has been going on as far back as Sept. 11, 2001. This war is murdering people. The answers for ending the war on terror is to make a Peace Treaty, to forgive and never look back, and to bring down ISIS since we have to end this the "right" way, so we can have peace, thus they can have peace moreover.

September 11, 2001 began as any other day, with the news, radio stations, and individuals going to work. At 7:59 AM, American Airlines Flight
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The War on Terror has been continuous from that point forward. There were principle destinations for the War on terror those were to crush Osama Bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Bin Laden was found and murdered on May first, 2011. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was executed by an air strike on June 7, 2006. To add to that, On September 14, 2001, another law happened called AUMF which remains for Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists. This gave the United States President (at the time George W. Shrubbery) capacity to utilize all power required to follow psychological militants required in 9/11 assaults. There were fundamental goals, for example, slaughtering Osama Bin Laden, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and devastate associations, pinpoint and bringing down psychological oppressors and the terrorist associations, reject backing and haven for terror monger, debilitate the unrevealed conditions that terror monger search for to utilize, Defend the natives of the United States, and to guarantee an incorporated episode administration …show more content…
One is a Peace treaty. As indicated by Custom Writings, "The war on terror have been blended with hostility as opposed to skill or prevention. In any case, I think a peace arrangement would work. If you don't realize what a peace treaty is, it's an understanding of peace between two nations. This would settle the war on terror. The experts of this is less cash being spent on the war. $1.7 Trillion is the total of cash that citizens have put into this war. The cons would be if something like ISIS executing pure people happens in Iraq, it wouldn't be a good fit for the United States to attempt to assist and attack on the grounds that in the peace settlement it ought to say whatever happens in the other nation is there an issue. A name for this Peace treaty could be called "The U.S. also, Syria/Iraq/Iran Peace

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