A person is categorised as obese when they have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or above (Healey, 2004). A BMI is calculated by dividing a persons body weight in kilograms by his/her height in meters squared. The statistics of obesity have dramatically changed over years. In 1995, 18.7% of Australian adults were obese compared to 27% in 2011- 2012 (Austrailian Bureau of Statistics, 2013). If weight gain continues, by the year 2025, more then 80% of adults and a third of all children will be classified as overweight or obese …show more content…
These include walking and bike paths along the Nightcliff foreshore where there are beautiful views. During this walk there are exercise stations that are free to use. ‘Walk To School Day’ is an international global event that involves more then forty countries riding or walking to school on the same day. I believe that walk to school day should be held on more than one day a year. On the walk to school day students should spend the day participating in fun activities that educate the students about healthy lives (walkbiketoschool, 2016) ‘Healthy Weight Week’ is a campaign that inspires all Aussies to cook at home more often to achieve a healthy weight. It is run by the Dietitians Association of Australia. I believe that healthy weight week should dedicate to one week a …show more content…
Most fast food places such as MacDonald’s, KFC, Red Rooster, Hungry Jacks, Pizza Hut, Burger King use logos that are red and yellow. This is because psychologically red triggers appetite hunger and attracts attention while yellow triggers the feelings of happiness and friendliness. When the colours red and yellow are put together it is about speed and quickness and in this case fast food are quick and not take long. Yellow is a visible colour in daylight. This is way MacDonald’s sign can be seen for a distance. Fast food is sometimes a cheaper, easier option also which can also add. (Haller Karer, 2011). The amount of fast food places there are in Darwin is extremely large, for example there are 7 MacDonald 's and they are with on a few km. Fast food places are also placed in particular stop so it is easy for people to get to. There are always fast food places on highways because it is quick and easy to just turn in to the driveway and order. You don 't even need to get out your car. But the amount of money that is spent on fast food and getting out of