Waiting for ‘Superman’, uses studies and results from various researchers as well as interviews with young students and their parents as tools. These tools help the argument become more in-depth for the viewer to understand more on a personal as well as professional level. Their argument about the country’s educational systems is a very convincing argument. They provide diagrams and visuals, insights not only with the facilities and administrations, but with …show more content…
Developing children’s minds is about how the differentiate between each child’s way of learning and how to open up and free their mind to the possibilities instead of making them into test taking robots. If this is the way that our society is headed in education, then the lives of our teachers and student will be chaotic. The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Our educational system needs to look at these statistics that this well, put together documentary as displayed for the viewer and realize that these students are our future. They are tomorrow’s politicians, engineers, doctors, inventors and teachers. We should nourish their creativity and not neglect their basic core understandings they need to function as well rounded people in the