Vulnerabilities can be typified by demographics, disabilities, and age groups. Some examples in York County would be 3.4 percent foreign born, as well as 6.6 percent speaking a language other than English in their homes (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Another vulnerability to consider is teen births. At 32.9 per 1,000 births, York County is below the US median of 42.1 and even below the Healthy People 2020 target of 36.2 ("Community Health Status Indicators (CHSI 2015)"). Those with limited access to healthy food due to low income or remoteness to grocery stores also are 4.8 percent also a rate below the national median of 6.2 percent ("Community Health Status Indicators (CHSI 2015)"). An area where York scores poorly is with disabilities. With the rate of 12.1 percent is at the high end of the peer counties with this category ("Community Health Status Indicators (CHSI …show more content…
Furthermore, these poverty stricken neighborhoods are commonly lacking healthy food sources and quality schools. All of these factors contribute to health outcomes later in life as the cycle continues. Braveman suggests these early life factors may actually lead to adverse birth outcomes for women later in life