Veterans Day Dance Concert Review

Superior Essays
On November 12, 2015 I attended the Veterans Day Jazz free form concert held at CBC’s choir room. This was the first time I ever went through the music/art building and it was pretty cool. The choir room looked, well like a choir room; inspirational posters on the wall, instruments, sound system, etc. When I first walked into the room I was bit overwhelmed with the amount of people in the small to medium sized room. There was a total of three high schools performing and of course CBC. The high schools performing were, Pasco High, Chiawana High, and Richland High. The first high school to perform was Pasco High. Each member and the director had purple shirts on, some had their school logo others did not. The instruments they used were; piano, …show more content…
The tempo was medium/slow and the style was Latin/Salsa. The song included a cha cha beat, an improvised solo by Peter, who was scat singing, and a drum solo. This song was pretty fun, not only was the tempo upbeat but the audience also played a part in the performance by adding in syncopation. The last song Richland High played is called Love Makes the World go Round by The Ritz. The tempo was a medium/slow and there was numerous solos. There was a guitar solo, a soloist, and a trio of scatters in the …show more content…
The first performed is called I Can’t Believe That You’re in Love With Me by Frank Sinatra, the tempo is medium/slow and the style is modern blues. The song begins with eight measures of the drums, piano, and bass playing the intro. The first bridge has the choir singing the main lyrics of the song; they are accompanied by the drums, piano, and bass who hold the melody. The choir sings a different set of lyrics for the next chord as the instruments provide the melody. The next chord has the same melody and tempo as the past chords except for the lyrics changed and the choir is adding in a little more pizzazz. The next chord starts off with a soloist, unfortunately I did not get the name of the lovely singer. The singer sings for the majority of the song with a jazz trio accompanying her. She also adds in scat singing witch the audience goes crazy for. Once she is finished the jazz trio play a phrase until the choir starts to sing again. After the phrase ends, the choir goes back to head. Towards the end of the song, only the altos start sing the tag, “I can’t believe” and “I just can’t believe”, they are soon accompanied by the bass, and light drumming. The sopranos and baritones soon join in and add in accent. The end of the song has the standard tune and all the instruments play in a sharp

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