In the film industry, the production of the last Harry Potter film is an illustrative example of how vertical integration works in practice in the film industry. The Deathly Hallows Part Two was created by Warner Bros. pictures in association with Heyday Films; Warner Bros. used their International Cinema Chain to distribute and easily showcase the movie worldwide. The marketing of the movie was done by Time Warner’s companies, which is again owned by Warner Bros (CITE). Vertical integration is well used by the bigger multi-national Film Companies (such as the Warner Bros.). As a result of the vertical integration, independent Picture would likely not have the equal advertising space on certain channels such as Warner Bros. have. Walt Disney is another great example when it comes to vertical integration; by not just having an incredible deep film-bibliography they also have expanded with national parks and hotels all over the world, tv-series, an own television network, and multiple different types of merchandises such as clothes, dolls et cetera for the public to easily consume or purchase. This makes it easier for Disney to market their own company by using the multiple channels they have due to their vertical integration, and it helps the firm expand their brand. It is normal to see Disney using their own channels and marketing their other channels, e.g., using their television network to promote one of their movies or
In the film industry, the production of the last Harry Potter film is an illustrative example of how vertical integration works in practice in the film industry. The Deathly Hallows Part Two was created by Warner Bros. pictures in association with Heyday Films; Warner Bros. used their International Cinema Chain to distribute and easily showcase the movie worldwide. The marketing of the movie was done by Time Warner’s companies, which is again owned by Warner Bros (CITE). Vertical integration is well used by the bigger multi-national Film Companies (such as the Warner Bros.). As a result of the vertical integration, independent Picture would likely not have the equal advertising space on certain channels such as Warner Bros. have. Walt Disney is another great example when it comes to vertical integration; by not just having an incredible deep film-bibliography they also have expanded with national parks and hotels all over the world, tv-series, an own television network, and multiple different types of merchandises such as clothes, dolls et cetera for the public to easily consume or purchase. This makes it easier for Disney to market their own company by using the multiple channels they have due to their vertical integration, and it helps the firm expand their brand. It is normal to see Disney using their own channels and marketing their other channels, e.g., using their television network to promote one of their movies or