A great example on how America contained a disease was the Ebola outbreak in 2014. It began in Africa then was spread to America. Once the word was out that America had a few Ebola cases the CDC issued quarantine to all the victims. Mandating quarantine the victims was ethical because there was no true cure for Ebola. In 2015 Ebola has been declared contained and it had not spread all across America like many people predicted. Some serious disease in the past that have been mandated to be vaccinated is polio, tetanus, measles, and the
A great example on how America contained a disease was the Ebola outbreak in 2014. It began in Africa then was spread to America. Once the word was out that America had a few Ebola cases the CDC issued quarantine to all the victims. Mandating quarantine the victims was ethical because there was no true cure for Ebola. In 2015 Ebola has been declared contained and it had not spread all across America like many people predicted. Some serious disease in the past that have been mandated to be vaccinated is polio, tetanus, measles, and the