Semester 1, 2016
ASSIGNMENT NAME: Urban Hydraulic structures
Wael Hasanen Mohamed Hasanen – ZID 5033260
EMAIL: wael.hasanen@gmail.com
PLACE SUBMITTTED: Online Via Turnitin
Lecturer: Dr. Stefan Felder
Floods are the worst natural disaster in Australia. In 2010-2011, Queensland experienced flash floods. There was big damage to properties and council assists, many towns were evacuated and around 35 people were killed. Big areas around 75% of Queensland area was declared a disaster zone, the total loss to the Australian economy was about $30 billion.
Australia is truly a 'land of droughts and flooding rains'. The …show more content…
Catchment area of Gowrie Creek to the northern boundary of the Toowoomba City is approximately 51 km2. These catchments are very steep and they respond quickly to heavy rainfalls and the water level rise in its waterways. East and West Creeks have been heavily modified with concrete and grass lined channels, on-line detention basins, water features, and drop structures.
Impact of Urbanisation:
Most of the catchment of Gowrie Creek has been urbanised, for residential and commercial purposes which reducing flood storage of these waterways.
Urbanisation has changed the drainage characteristics of Gowrie Creek catchment. Surface runoff from the developed parts of the catchment is now transferred to Gowrie Creek and its branches through a piped drainage system, with any surface runoff in excess of the capacity of the piped drainage system flowing into the respective waterways as overland flow along roads, open spaces.
Urbanisation has also resulted in the construction of road crossings (culverts, bridges) across Gowrie Creek and its branches. These structures constrict flows and have the potential to impact on the flood behaviour of these waterways, particularly if blocked by debris during a flood …show more content…
East Creek Ruthven Street culvert upgrade
This includes upgrading the existing culvert structure and the construction of a new drainage structure on the southern side of the existing culvert, where Ruthven Street crosses East Creek.
This $4.48 million project, which is part of the East Creek Master Plan, is being funded by the State Government. 2.4. Goggs Street stormwater upgrade (including James to Herries Street channel works)
Installation of a new stormwater network in Goggs Street, as part of West Creek channel works to provide improved flood mitigation. Upgrades to the channel involve constructing a retaining wall on the eastern side and provision of new pedestrian and cycleway facilities.
2.5. Ballin Drive detention basin
It will provide a detention basin 40ML in size. The project will improve flood immunity downstream in the CBD by reducing the peak flow of water.
2.6. Garnet Lehmann detention basin
Garnet Lehmann Park has been landscaped to provide a detention basin approximately 70ML in size. The project also provides new culverts at South Street, relocation of a sewer main. The project will work with the detention basin at Ballin Drive to further reduce flooding at Ruthven by 30% in a nominal 1-in-100 year