The thematic transformation is when music changes the theme, or leitmotif to capture the different moods of the piece of music. While a cue is anything spoken or taken action on stage, or in this case within the film. In the beginning of the cue, Ellie runs across an empty field and spots clouds with Carl in the meadow, those scenes represented romantic and happiness to capture the beauty of Carl and Ellie’s life together. The music played during the scenes are much more rapid, upbeat, and sultry. As the cue progress throughout the sequence, the visual element of the film start to express sadness from Ellie’s final dying words to her funeral. The melody, the succession of single notes, supported the storyline of the film. The music is softer, slower, and less instruments are included in the score, including only the piano as Carl’s walk sadly to his home by himself. Overall, the thematic transformation well described the montage of Ellie and Carl’s life together. A montage conveys the passage of time, showing the beginning to end of Ellie …show more content…
The form is the structure of the composition and supported the narrative of the story. For example, the form on the composition had the same notes but at a different speed. When Ellie and Carl were younger running through the field, the form is faster. When the couple were older, the form of the music is slow. When the form of the music changed in each montage, it narrate the scene by hinting their age beneath the song. Your more quick in youth while slow at an older age.
First I am going to explain the instrumentation and orchestration of the film. Instrumentation is the collection of instruments in an ensemble and composition. Orchestration The tempo, texture, and timbre of music played well with the scenes. The tempo is the speed of the music. The texture is the thickness of the sound. The timbre is the characteristics of the sound, from the dullness, attack, and decay. Lastly, the harmony of the song changed the emotional perception of the