Essay On Unpatriotic People

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Unpatriotic people have been around for decades. People have always rebelled against governments, whether the government is in the wrong or not. When these unpatriotic acts occur, something bad usually follows whether it be a riot or an individual feeling sick because of the actions of an individual. As Armstrong Williams states, “Chabot has a point. Watching someone burn the flag sickens me. It provokes feelings of anger and disgust. But punishing citizens for using their personal property to express their personal views violates the very ideas that animate our constitution with meaning.” People are affected from unpatriotic people in direct and indirect ways. A citizen could be made an example of by a single individual who simply is upset with our country. For example, Armstrong Williams says, “Chabot has a point. Watching someone burn the flag sickens me. It provokes feelings of anger and disgust. But punishing citizens for using their personal property to express their personal views violates the very ideas that animate our constitution with meaning.” Unpatriotic people love attention and any exposure to media. Even though people do things because they truly believe something is wrong with society, many people commit offenses strictly for attention which is sad. A person would burn a flag that thousands have fought and died for, for their five minutes of fame. There are many problems in society, without a doubt. Although this is the case, unpatriotic people is a problem that not many people see or even accept, every day unpatriotic people bring unwanted shame and controversy to America, as well as setting bad examples for the youth of this country. In the government, there has been many problems with unpatriotic people. …show more content…
Due to unpatriotic people, there were many court cases and predicaments that have to do with unpatriotic people, Martin Garbus states, “the true nature of the state’s interest in this case is not only one of preserving ‘the physical integrity of the flag’ but also one of preserving the flag as an important symbol of nationhood and unity. . .. It is the character not the cloth of the flag that the states seek to protect.” The audiences that follow this problem are usually touchy about it. At a certain time, these acts were legal, although they were legal patriotic citizens thought these acts to be extremely disrespectful. These unpatriotic people may not understand the character of the American flag. Thousands of people have fought for this flag and what the flag symbolizes. There is a fine line between this constant battle with individual’s rights and unpatriotic acts. Reporter Eloise Salholz says, “With the exception of veterans and schoolchildren, few Americans normally pause to I observe Flag Day. But this year the nation 's attention was riveted on Old Glory. Last week the Supreme Court struck down a federal flag protection law, ruling 6 to 4 that although the desecration is offensive, it is a form of expression protected by the First Amendment.” (page 18) Not only do citizens burn the flag, they also stomp on it, and stand on it. Reporter Ron Barnett states, “The English teacher at Chapin High School, near Columbia, S.C., also has been suspended from his job with a recommendation from the superintendent that he be fired, Lexington-Richland School District 5 spokesman Mark Bounds said. His offense: taking the American flag from the wall and stomping on it. (Pg.7) By teachers and citizens committing offenses like this, they are setting bad examples to the children and youth of the United States. Kids will then grow up thinking acts like this are okay. Unpatriotic acts seem to almost immediately get media coverage. By allowing these acts to get media coverage, society is allowing people that are unpatriotic to get attention. Therefore, people in the future are going to know that by doing things like burning the flag, they will get attention. People reacted to specific events such as 9/11, Leonard Kniffel says, “In many ways, the events of September 11 may have signaled the true beginning of the 21st century, of a new world and a new kind of war. How will librarians face the challenges these new realities represent? An era of xenophobia and bioterrorism was

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