In Janie 's first marriage with Logan Killicks we are introduced to this problem in which women have to face at this time.. Logan is fussing at Janie about chopping wood for dinner, saying how his last wife could bring it in because he chopped it, he wouldn’t have to do all the work. When Hurston writes, “If i kin haul de wood heah and chop it fuh yuh, look lak you oughta be able tuh tote it inside. Mah fust wife never bothered me ‘bout choppin’ no wood nohow. She’d grab dat ax and sling chips like uh man. You done been spoilt rotten.”(18) It is explaining that Janie could be dependent on Logan. Also, that is one of the main reason that Janie married Logan which is for support and protection.Furthermore, Logan talks about his first wife in comparison to Janie he makes it seem as though he does all the work. Another way that Hurston is portraying Janie as being dependent on men is with Joe Starks her second husband. Hurston writes, “Oh Jody, Ah can’t do nothin’ wid no store lessen youse here.”(43) It is showing that Janie feels she needs Joe there to watch her and make sure she is doing things right. If he is not there she feels as though she can’t handle watching over the …show more content…
In a way Janie begins to find herself and deviate away from traditions in which she was taught. Janie goes from marrying what she thought to be the right man to finding the right man for her. She eventually gained confidence to move away from that tradition that was placed upon not only southern woman, but women as a whole. We also see some of these characteristics before she gets with Tea Cakes as well. For example, “ ‘Tain’t dat Ah worries over Joe’s death, Pheoby. Ah jus’ loves dis freedom.’ ‘Sh-sh-sh! Don’t let nobody jear you say dat, anie. Folks will say you ain’t sorry he’s gone.’ ‘Le’em say whut dey wants tuh, Pheoby. To my thinkin’ mourning oughtn’t tuh last no longer’n grief.’