• Definitions of grace (prevenient, justifying and sanctifying grace)
• Humanity as the image of God
4. How do you interpret the statement "Jesus Christ is Lord"?
• Recognition of divine authority and submission o Reflects the aspects of Jesus the man and Christ as the savior
• Creedal statement by itself (Romans 10:9) (Apostles and Nicean creeds)
• Part of Baptismal covenant “Do you confess Jesus Crist as your Savior, put your whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve him as your Lord.”
• Statement is a fundamental tenant of Christian faith. …show more content…
6. What is your understanding of the kingdom of God; the Resurrection; eternal life? (See 200 word response question)
7. Explain the role and significance of baptism in the ministry to which you have been called.
• Our articles of faith as United Methodists outline in ¶104 that sacraments are “means of grace by which God works invisibly in us, quickening, strengthening and conforming our faith in him.”
• For the United Methodist Church, we declare there are two sacraments Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
• When we participate in these sign-acts and elements, God’s love is visible.
• Baptism is a sacrament and sign of covenantal relationship stemming from the Old Testament, as seen in Genesis 17:1-14 between God and Abraham and Abraham’s descendants.
• Baptism is the new sign-act replacing circumcision as a sign of God’s saving grace.
• We experience a covenantal relationship through water and spirit as mentioned in John …show more content…
• Called to ministry to teach, remind and renew Baptismal covenant for the congregation in helping them live in to this covenant
8. Explain the role and significance of the Lord’s Supper in the ministry to which you have been called. Through the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion, we are able to experience our redemption with God through this sacrament. It is a sign-act instructed by Jesus, which replaces the Old Testament Passover meal. (Luke 22:14-23) Holy Communion is a means of experiencing God’s grace in that our worthiness to receive is not a necessity and through the experience of partaking of the table, God’s grace is at work. This is a unique spiritual nourishment, which is open to all people.
• Since in Holy Communion the work is done by God it is open to all who repent from their sin and seek to live in love with one another. (UMH)
• It represents a real and mysterious experience of the presence of Christ in a similar manner to the disciples after the journey to Emmaus as seen in Luke 24:13-35
• Wesleyan heritage as a practice to experience the means of Grace (W.P.