The size exclusion chromatography (known as gel-filtration) is used to separate the proteins in order of size. A column packed with Sephadex porous gel particles, which consists of cross-linked polymer beads. There is maximum pore size set throughout the gel particle and if the proteins do not match the pore size then the largest proteins will feed through the quickest followed by the intermediate and then the smallest (Nelson and Cox, 2013). …show more content…
Many types of volumes were calculated and the equation was then used Ve = Vo + Kd.Vi finding the distribution coefficient (Kd), by rearranging the formula. From the calibration curve of Log molecular weights versus Kd for many proteins of known molecular weight. A formula is derived. y = -1.8499x + 5.0876 Kd is substituted into the equation at x value. To find the molecular weight is the reverse log of this equation value. (Biochemistry Practical Manual,