Unit 2 Homework
San Joaquin Valley College Companies can’t operate on their own, and virtually all strategic planning decision must consider the personnel issues connected to it. Challenges such as having money to cover increased labor costs should be considered or that the initiative requires expertise the company doesn’t provide, strategic planning and human resources go hand in hand. Strategic planning focuses on what a company wants to do, rather than how it does it. Human Resource planning looks at the long-term needs of a business, rather than addressing current needs. The goal for human resources is to sustain and create a workforce that acquires the business needs. A company's employees is the most valuable resource …show more content…
The Bureau of Labor Statistics believes that enhancing employee skills can increase individual and organizational performance to achieve business results. The role of HR training and development includes assisting in training needs, creating training manuals, creating instruction and ensuring training objectives get done. A company’s human resources department is responsible for hiring and developing employees. Per the Society for Human Resources Management, employee acquisition and retention strategies are vital to the success of a company. Human resource managers implement these strategies to reduce turnover, improve employee skills and increase overall company …show more content…
A periodic performance appraisal lets a company provide positive feedback and identify areas for improvement. Organizations can assist with a developmental plan so employees can improve their skills. During an appraisal process, a company can discover that an employee possesses a specific skill and has interest in an important aspect of a business such as marketing or management. Thus, a company may be able to move an employee to a position where that employee is more value to a business. A possible disadvantage of performance appraisals is that they use up a lot of time. An organization needs to take the time to prepare for the appraisal and conduct it. That means downtime for employees, resulting in lost productivity. Per the Mind Tools website, a disadvantage of the performance appraisal is that a company and the employee may have a different interpretation of an appraisal outcome. What a company may perceive as a chance to point out areas for improvement may instead result in an employee feeling that the appraisal was nothing more than a "chewing out" session, causing reduced