Homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain a constant internal environment within narrow limits. The word homeo means it is unchanging and stasis means it is staying still; it has three main elements that are a sense organ to detect change, a control centre that is usually from the brain or spinal cord and a responding organ to effect a change in conditions. The factors that homeostasis controls in our body are our body temperatures, water content, carbon dioxide levels and our blood sugar levels (http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/ocr_gateway_pre_2011/ourselves/5_staying_in_balance1.shtml (Tues 13th)). For our body cells to survive and be fully functional our internal temperature needs to remain similar, in our …show more content…
When someone is diabetic it means that the insulin doesn’t enter the body isn’t working how it should. Which makes the glucose unable to turn into glycogen, this is because the beta cells are detecting the increase of glucose but no insulin is produced. There are two types of diabetes; type 1 is where the pancreas doesn’t produce any insulin. (http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Diabetes-type1/Pages/Introduction.aspx) (Weds 14th) and type 2 diabetes is where the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin or the body cells don’t react to insulin. To manage type 1 diabetes is to take insulin everyday, this is a something they have to do or else it could leave them in a fatal situation, it also helps to eat healthier with a balanced diet, monitoring blood sugar levels is important with type 1 diabetes as their blood sugar levels could have increased or decreased and they might have to increase/decrease their dosage of insulin. Regular exercise will help simulate their body systems (http://kidshealth.org/teen/diseases_conditions/growth/treating_type1.html) (Sat 17th). Type 2 diabetes can be treated in a similar way to type 1, by eating healthily, regular exercise and blood sugar monitoring. This type of diabetes may or may not need medication or insulin being injected into the body (http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/type-2-diabetes/basics/treatment/con-20031902) (Sat 17th). Positive feedback can also cause a disorder that is called haemophilia that is a genetic disorder that weakens the body’s ability to control blood clotting, to prevent this disorder from becoming fatal there is a defense treatment of medication can prevent episodes of bleeding and joint/muscle damage.