Unhealthy Lunches Research Paper

Great Essays
Evan Pedneault
Mr. Balda
Period 3 English 10 L1

Government Cutting Down on Unhealthy Lunches
According to the researchers and professionals at the Centers for Disease and Control, “...more than a third of U.S. children ages 2-19 are overweight or obese (as of 2011)” (“Childhood”). This percent includes children from both public and private schools, and can be found regardless of sex, family income, or location. The previous First Lady of The United States, Michelle Obama, took steps beginning in 2008, with hopes of improving the health of children in America, primarily focused on the U.S. Public Schools and the lunches being served within them. Rather quickly, students experienced these dramatic changes first-hand (“School Lunches”). However, critics and professionals alike argue that this movement was not as successful as it had seemed in its planning stages. In fact, the supposed improved, healthier lunch plan was a failure, and resulted in more issues and concerns rather than solving them. Some supporters of Michelle Obama’s plans and guidelines, “Let's Move!”, to help reduce childhood obesity in America, defend these plans. They argue that, “Children are impressionable, advocates of the Guidelines remind observers, and if they are exposed to a healthier menu, then they will learn what it means to have a healthier diet” (“School Lunches”). While one may believe this to be true only specifically for public school lunches, in reality it is not. In fact, the most beneficial examples for healthier eating start at home, and the parents should be able to control and determine what their own children eat. Critics opposing “Let’s Move!” warn that these guidelines “...could alter the relationship between parents and the government…” (“School Lunches”). In addition, parents and other United States citizens argue that the government, regardless of its intentions, has no right to become involved and decide what children eat (“Childhood”). Citizens nation-wide vigorously argue the government overstepped their boundaries, saying, “The Obama administration’s efforts to combat childhood obesity, critics argue, are another example of the federal government invading what should be private, individual family decisions” (“Childhood”). Many people feel that the government is already too restrictive, and that the “Let's Move!” campaign is yet another way to gain control over U.S. citizens’ rights. Secondly, supporters of Michelle Obama’s movement defend the program arguing that parents need government assistance to reinforce the idea of healthy eating and a healthier lifestyle.
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These supporters claim , “While parents are ultimately responsible for their children's health, there are some obstacles parents cannot overcome alone such as the relentless marketing of junk food to young consumers…” (“Childhood”). Even more “Let’s Move!” guideline fans continue to claim, “...a positive aspect of the new Guidelines is the promotion of eating foods that limit unhealthy ingredients” (“School Lunches”). These supporters make the point that children are inclined to buy the junk food they see advertised, and that parents have trouble when it comes to fighting these advertisements and the products it brings (“Childhood”). However, during the planning process of the “Let’s Move!” movement, the government overlooked an emerging contradiction. Professionals and critics of “Let's Move!” point out, “...while food advertising has declined over the last few years, general U.S. obesity rates have continued to rise”, therefore proving that food-related industry advertising is not directly to blame for obesity in the United States, especially among American children (“Childhood”). In fact, government intervention in advertising will result in job loss, rather than job gain (“Childhood”). Diane Katz, a researcher for the Heritage Foundation who recalled that in the IHS Global Insight (an “economic and financial forecasting system”), claims were made that within the first four years of being implemented, The IWG (Interagency Working Group) guidelines for improved marketing of healthier U.S. foods and products would, “...result in a 20% reduction in ad expenditures that would in turn cause losses of $28.3 billion in manufacturing and retail sales and 378,000 jobs lost…” (“Childhood”). With all the claims to improve health and do better for the American population, is it really worth losing hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars? In addition to the contradictable claims and arguments, these advocates are trying to place blame on the food corporation for supposedly not regulating itself effectively (Kiener). Advocates of regulation

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