Harriet Beecher Stowe and Frederick Douglass were both writers that focused on the topic of slavery. They expressed their frustrations through writing, for Harriet Beecher Stowe, she wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which became one of her most famous works. Frederick Douglass wrote Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Both of these stories were different and similar in many ways. These differences range from the writing style to the different experiences that the characters went through. In addition, both of them relied on the Bible to get their point across. Although, Narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave and Uncle …show more content…
Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Narrative both wanted to point out one specific thing. That thing is that slavery is wrong. They both mentioned things from the Bible, both of the main characters wanted to be free, and they both had mean slave owners. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was based around the Bible, Stowe used a lot of biblical references in her writing. In Narrative, Douglass mentioned the story in Bible of when God cursed Ham, who is the son of Canaan. He mentioned this because this is said to be where colored people get their color from. Mr. Haley was in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and he was an evil slave owner. He beat his slaves, and treated them very poor. Similar to the way Mr. Plummer treated his slaves in Narrative. Another thing is that both Frederick Douglass and Uncle Tom learned to read. Mr. Shelby’s son taught Tom, and Mrs. Auld taught Douglass his ABC’s and to spell. Mr. Shelby’s son and Mrs. Auld were considered to be the nice slave …show more content…
First, he is writing from a former slave’s point of view. This is his life that he is talking about and that is what makes it so much more powerful. He tells the gruesome stories of the things he went through and what he saw. He began telling his background and that his master is said to be his father. However, these were just rumors, but Douglass did know for a fact that his father was a white man. Douglass talked about how kids were taken from their mothers at such a young age. The children would then be forced to be taken care of by someone else. Stowe did not talk about these things, she mainly highlighted the main point, which was slavery was wrong. She used examples, but was not as thorough as Douglass. He used a lot of descriptive words; it was almost like watching a movie. With each word he wrote, one can picture the image. That is what great work looks like. He also talked about many more things in his narrative. Douglass highlighted how he was beaten and he grew tired of it. He told the gruesomeness of how the slave women were raped by their owners and forced to carry the