You may not have realized just how close a relationship your nails have with your bones. In fact, they’re so closely related, that the health of your fingernails is an inside look to your bone condition. Your diet plays a vital role in the strength of your nails and bones. Let’s take a look at the best six foods that help to build strong nails and bones.
Eggs are one of the very few effective dietary sources of D vitamins. Additionally, the egg’s protein content is vital for fingernail health. The protein that is found in eggs is highly digestible, unlike that of meat, and the body easily takes it up.
Eggs are also an excellent source of biotin, iron, vitamins A, B, and E. According to WebMD Biotin …show more content…
Thyroid issues, whether under or over active, can result in excessive bone loss. While sulfur causes rotten eggs to smell, the sulfur in fresh eggs is another nutrient which is beneficial to the strength of your hair and fingernails.
Salmon is rich in B12, and a B12 deficiency results in darkened and dry fingernails. Salmon is also an excellent source of vitamin D, which is crucial in the growth and strengthening of bones. It’s also packed with omega 3 fatty acids, which fight inflammation.
Oats contain zinc and copper, both of which are essential for the maintenance and health of fingernails and bones. Additionally, oats contain B complex vitamins, manganese, and silicon.
You can opt for a breakfast bowl of oatmeal, or incorporate oats into your recipes.
As mentioned above, Biotin is a vitamin crucial to the strength and integrity of fingernail health. Beans are also rich in this vitamin. The National Institutes of Health points to a Swiss study where participants with brittle nails were given a daily dose of biotin over six months. This was enough to increase nail thickness by …show more content…
Magnesium is plentiful, and an excellent source of strong bones. They also contain copper and manganese, zinc, and vitamins B6 and E. In addition to strengthening bones, the vitamin E found in sunflower seeds is an effective way to protect you from dementia.
Vitamin Deficiencies
Nutrition plays a vital role in your bodily functions, just take a look at some of the nail issues that can come as the result of a vitamin deficiency.
• Calcium and Vitamin A. These deficiencies result in nails that are dry, weak, and brittle.
• Iron and Zinc. Do you have white spots on your fingernails? Up your iron and zinc intake.
• Iron and Protein. Are your nails breaking or cracking? It could be a protein and iron issue.
• Zinc and Protein. If you have white lines on your fingernails, then you may have a zinc and/or protein deficiency.
• Vitamin B12. A vitamin B12 deficiency can result in the darkening of nails, as well as the ends of nails curving.
• Vitamin C, Protein, and Folic Acid. Reddish and brown spots on your nails may be a sign of these