Tyrannical Leaders In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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In the 1900s, Russia was in a time of turmoil. Vladimir Lenin, and his followers forcibly took power from the Tsars, in what is known today as the Russian Revolution. Consequently, the Communist leaders of the country continually gained power, as their people were on an economic decline. Using the story of Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, and other leaders, George Orwell (pseudonym Eric Blair) satirizes it into the tale of animals taking control of a farm, in the novel, Animal Farm. The leaders of the revolution, Snowball and Napoleon, mirror events that occurred to their real life counterparts, who represent Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin respectively. Including their transition from workers of the general well being to tyrannical leaders. Throughout Animal Farm, the pigs, especially Napoleon, treat the animals as underneath them, mostly because of the assumed belief of many animals, including the loyal horse, Boxer, that the pigs are the natural leaders. …show more content…
One of Napoleon's main characteristics is that instead of acting himself, he uses other animals, for example the pig, Squealer to do his dirty work. On numerous occasions, he used other pigs to convince the animals to follow him. For example, in his rise to power, he killed his longtime friend Snowball in an act of murder. Then he manipulated the situation so that people would follow him even more afterwards. As the leader, many of his orders took away freedom and equality on the farm. Foremost, he rewrote the original seven commandments of Animalism, to his own benefit, and terminated democratic voting for the animals. Later on, he uses whips to assert his dominance over other animals. By the end of the novel, he is in complete control over Animal Farm, having taken away any sense of freedom for the farm

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