First, Type one diabetes or juvenile diabetes is definitely not developed from eating too much sugar or from being obese. Juvenile diabetes is developed when someone 's pancreas produces little or no insulin. When people without diabetes eat, there pancreas produces insulin, to prevent their blood sugar from dropping. And when there blood sugar is dropping the pancreas produces glucagon, which is sugar to raise their blood sugar. Since a type one diabetic’s pancreas does not work at all, they have to inject insulin when they eat and eat food when their sugar begins to drop. Insulin is a hormone that keeps your blood sugar levels normal. Some symptoms of type one diabetes include: increased thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, sudden weight loss, and blurred vision. Type one diabetics are suppose to check their sugar four to six times a day.They use a machine called a blood glucose monitoring system to check their sugars. They come in different shapes, sizes and colors. They now have one that you plug into a iphone so one can have their levels with you all the time. With type one diabetes there are two ways to give insulin. Either with a needle, or with a machine called an insulin pump. Even though type one diabetes is more serious, type two diabetes is still serious. Type two diabetics pancreas makes insulin, but it either makes too little, or does not use insulin like it is suppose to. People can develop type two because of genes, being over the age of 45, lack of exercise which leads to overweight, having high blood pressure, and who are members of a particular race such as: African American, Latinos, Native American, and Asian American. Some of the symptoms …show more content…
Yes they have their similarities, but they are not the same. Type one diabetes is more serious than type two, and insulin can be given with a pump also, while type two diabetics just take shots and pills. Type two is developed different then type one, and more exercise is recommended. People do not take diabetes seriously, even when they are faced with life or death. Thousands of people die each year from not taking care of their diabetes, or not even knowing they had it. If diabetes runs in the family, one needs to be checked every year. Being knowledgeable about the types of diabetes is a great subject to know about. Knowing how to treat a diabetic should be something one should learn. People with diabetes goes through many difficulties. Maybe one day there will be a