The Rose Hill formation is the thickest formation of surface bedrock in this area at about two hundred and fifty meters thick. This formation is a layer of shale ranging in color, mainly a light red-grey shale, but also could be light greenish-grey or dull brown.. The Keefer formation is a fifteen meter thick hematitic sandstone unit. It is grey to yellowish-brown and displays fine to medium grains. The concentrated iron induced orange or bright red hematite components of the Keefer are eye catching and easily distinguished. The Bloomsburg Formation contains a red or reddish brown mudstone and a grey - red shale. This formation is around 200 meters thick. Map Scale Structures Examining the map generated through applying the data collected in the field, six “map” scale structures are revealed. …show more content…
Three sinclines and three anticlines run diagonally across the map from the south – west corner to the north – east corner of the map area. The first notable sincline is the Bloomsburg sincline. In the mapping area this sincline is the most northern of all the large scale structures. In the center of the sincline the surface geology is the Bloomsburg shale and on either side it is bordered by thin, fifty to one-hundred meter wide strips of Keefer sandstone. The Bloomsburg formations dips away from the center of the fold at about forty – five degrees. Just south of the Bloomsburg sincline is another interesting structure. A relatively thin strip of Castenea sandstone forms anticline that runs roughly parallel to the Bloomsburg sincline. Running through Whipple Dam this anticline is relatively mellow at thirty to 40 degrees of dip. Continuing to work south the next structure is a sincline within the Rose Hill shale formation between the Tuscarora formation and the previously mentioned Castenea formation. …show more content…
This formation appears to run directly parallel to the axis of the Tuscarora anticline and has dip angles between fifteen and thirty degrees. The next anticline creates a large ridge about fifteen hundred feet above sea level that runs for about four miles. This anticline ridge is created by the Tuscarora formation and plunges to the southwest. The formation dips at about twenty degrees to either side of the fold axis. South of the ridge comprised of Tuscarora sandstone is a sincline running almost parallel to the Tuscarora but seemingly dipping in the opposite direction; from south – west to north – east. This sincline exhibits a portion of the Bloomsburg shale enveloped on either side by Keefer sandstone. Last but not least, in the lower south – east corner of the map a small. Thin anticline runs in the same fashion as the aforementioned sincline just north of it. It is composed of a narrow band less than a hundred meters wide of Tuscarora sandstone surrounded on both sides by Castenea. This last anticline raises some important questions. The Tuscarora is surrounded on both sides in the anticline by Castenea. Considering the relative ages of the two formations and